
Featherstone High School, London

Faetherstone High School, London - Main Entrance

We were very pleased to be appointed by the Governor’s at Featherstone High School in London to provide Quantity Surveying Services for a major project at the school. The project involved the stabilisation of the teaching block, including replacement of external cladding and heating services.

Our services for these works included both pre & post Quantity Surveying Services to include a thorough tendering process, tendering the project through a two stage tender process, negotiating the contract sum with the successful contractor. Once on site we provided quantity surveying cost administration and cost control. We attended regular meetings with the construction team and advised on cost matters.

A great deal of communication was required with this project to ensure the safety of both the pupils and staff whilst work was undertaken by the main contractor. A JCT Intermediate Contract 2011 Edition with Contractors Design for Mechanical and Electrical services was put in place on this project. The works comprised of concrete repairs to the fabric, replacement of current glazing window system and provision of a new heat and air cooling system. The works also included scaffold and protection, removal of the existing façade, removal and replacement services, installation of a new steel frame for the cladding system, installation of new Kalwall cladding and insulated render parts of the building.

The project was implemented in two phases with one side of the building divided by floor corridors from the other side. This involved the pupils vacating from the classrooms affected by the works to temporary classroom units located in the playground. The whole construction periods for both phases of work was carefully organised to either side of the half term periods to allow the school to decant the building.

By careful cost control and monitoring we were pleased to report the project was completed within the schools budget and also on time. Works commenced in early 2016 with successful completion in early 2017.


Featherstone High School

Contract value

£1.5 Million


Get in touch

For more information or to discuss your project send us a message or call
01442 823032

Regulated by RICS